Panzer Elite


Panzer Elite Cheat Codes:
Go to the directory and open the file PE "Desert", you should see
the "Save Game". Open the file with the name of the last
save game. Use Wordpad. Everything is in clear text. In Africa,
change the numbers of Tigers fx. "5", and its power
to give his squad intire tigers (if German game).
* Stop the fire! In motion makes you shoot harder
success, but almost impossible for her to artillero
hit anything.
* Take special care of his trained gunners. Give them the best
loaders and remember that tanks are in, these are your
aces in the hole.
* Once you have discovered an enemy advance along the lines of training. If
American art, the length of the line width and focus
the enemy to try to obtain some of the shots. If you are German, you are
probably want to be out and let the Americans come to you.
* Do not forget your artillery strikes. Smoke is a valuable
asset that will allow you to get closer to an enemy or flank.
* When you're ready to try the manual artillery, but a huge rewarding task, please SimHQ tutorial help