
Call For Heroes


Call For Heroes - Pompolic Wars Cheat Codes:
Cheat mode:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then,
enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat.
Code Result
Change the way of God - God
Toggle Enemies can not see - notarget
Kill all enemies on screen - killall
Kill everyone on screen Ovums - killovums
Completing the current mission - gametasksdone
Spawn indicated item - give
Use the following entries to the code while playing as
whether the templates to spawn.
Item Code
Maximum green and blue mana - mana
Maximum strength - resistance
All weapons - weapon_all
Up to 50 coins - coins
Up to 100 souls monster - monstersouls
Experience points to improve player - xp
At 5 minutes of time - time
1 health potion - item_healthpotion
1 Super Healing - item_superhealing
1 full regeneration - item_fullregen
1 respawn - item_respawn
All special abilities - specabilities_all
Use the following entries to the code while playing the
Warrior character to spawn the corresponding item.
Item Code
Armor Armor
Handaxe weapon_handaxe
Trimace weapon_trimace
Skull of Annihilation weapon_soa
Warsword weapon_warsword
Battleaxe weapon_battleaxe
Warhammer weapon_warhammer
Ammunition for Skull Pass ammo_soa Extermination
Icon of Might item_iconofmight
Defense item_iconofdefense Icon
Icon cold item_iconofcold
Use the following entries to the code while playing as the Amazon
character to spawn the item.
Effect Code
Shortsword - weapon_shortsword
Arco - weapon_bow
Lanza - weapon_spear
Crossbow - weapon_crossbow
Cast Skullbolt Ballesta - weapon_crossbow2
Cimitarra - weapon_scimitar
Arc of fire - weapon_firebow
Swarmbite arc - weapon_swarmbitebow
Arrows - ammo_arrows
Bolts - ammo_bolts
Skullbolts - ammo_skullbolts
Firearrows - ammo_firearrows
Swarmbitearrows - ammo_swarmbitearrows
Icon Regeneration - item_iconofregeneration
Icono de Fuego - item_iconoffire
Icon Stealth - item_iconofinvisibility