Bin Weevils


To be a DJ:
if u want 2 be a DJ in the club throw, you should not sit on 2 chairs DJ, you can be
Dance and still DJ.Let me explain, you know those colors of rectangles
Walking along the walls of the slot:
Back to KIPS scrap and then two balls in the back room as your are
went to him quickly go to your nest! You will still be in play two
its nest, and you should be on the wall.
How to get into large estates Flem:
First click on balustered few spaces and then the door to new library.
directly from, and then under click on the arrow to go out.
when you tap a big 7 on the keyboard, and you should not tap you stop.if 7 you
will go out.
How to get into large estates Flem:
First you must click on the library door, you step out of the library and
Click on the bench for left.then click on the arrow out when you have
fail, then start it again to get great press 7 on the key board when
Your quite large.